Cisco CCNA Preparation
Welcome to the CertificationKits 200-301 CCNA Study Center. Here you will find tons of free resources to assist you in passing your CCNA 200-301 exam. Couple this with one of our 200-301 Lab Kits and you are assured to pass your R&S certification exam! Everything you need to pass your test is right on this site. We not only give you the dry theory, but we also try to make your CCNA studies fun by creating study games just for you. So try our various CCNA 200-301 exam prep tools and see what you think. Then if you think these products are helpful, think of how much better the lab workbook and other CCNA 200-301 materials are that we include in our kits!

Be ready for your CCNA Exam!
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Our CCNA 200-301 Lab Suggestions is just that. A very detailed article on the pros and cons of different routers and switches and how you can use them in your lab setup. It also highlights some common pitfalls in building your lab and helps you get the most bang for your hard-earned buck in building your 200-301 lab. Once you have your lab, refer to our Getting Started section on how to properly cable the CCNA lab and some of the common mistakes a new candidate may make in setting up their lab.
Our CCNA Course section is a 650 page Study Guide similar to what you would get if you attended a Cisco CCNA one week book camp. This syncs up perfectly with our CCNA CBT DVD training to help give you the same experience as if you were taking a class. All of your topics are covered in this section from the basics of logging into a Cisco router to the confusing topic of Access Control Lists. But we are sure the presentation method used here will benefit you in your studies. Then we also have our CCNA Video section. Here we have videos covering everything from a video on how to identify your Cisco equipment to step by step configuration videos and even theory.
You may ask how are our CCNA Topic Articles and CCNA Task Articles section is different than our CCNA Course? The Topic Articles section will just cover a specific topic and go into more detail and also include more diagrams. Our Task Articles cover more on how to do certain tasks such as password resets, as an example.
Next, our CCNA Labs section has some of our older retired Labs. If you like these configuration labs, you are going to love what we include in our newly revised 450 page, 60+ lab 200-301 Lab Workbook that we sell and provide in our kits. Again, the free labs in this study center are a mix of the old and the new, but they are free and that is always an amazing price! Knowing that studying for your R&S 200-301 exam is somewhat tedious; we decided we would try to break that up by providing you some CCNA Games. We turned various popular game shows into a fun interactive solution for you to study for your test. So give CCNA Jeopardy or CCNA Million Dollar Question or any of our other CCNA Games such as Hangman, CCNA Flash Cards, CCNA Command Line Simulator a chance, and see how you do!
Please check out our training and media section for all of our offerings! There you can find all sorts of Cisco training books and workbooks, including bundle packages such as our very popular Study Value Pack that contains all of our standard CCNA offerings.
Finally, we also have provided to you serious tools to help make your CCNA prep easy. We also include in our Application center the ability for you to download our CertificationKits CCNA TFTP Server so you can practice uploading the IOS to your Cisco router and saving configs to your TFTP Server. Additionally, you will find our Subnet Calculator, so you can verify all of your answers as you work through the fun Cisco Subnetting questions which is essential for you to know inside and out to pass your CCNA Exam.