2 Router Basic Configuration Lab
In preparation of your CCNA exam, we want to make sure we cover the various concepts that we could see on your Cisco CCNA exam. So to assist you, below we provided one of our CCNA Labs, the Basic Two Router Lab. As you progress through your CCNA exam studies, I am sure you will find that hands on experience you receive from such as lab will go a long way in helping you acheive your Cisco certification!
In this lab you will configure a simple network to allow two routers to route packets between to remote networks.
- Two Cisco routers with one Ethernet port and one serial port.
- Cisco IOS 12.0 or higher
- One PC for consoling into routers with terminal emulation software
- One serial back to back DTE/DCE cable
- One Cisco Console Kit
Step 1: Physical Connections Connect the following interfaces:
- Console: Connect your PC/terminal to the console port using a console kit and HyperTerminal (9600-8-N-1-no flow)
- Ethernet: Connect Ethernet ports to a hub or a switch using a straight-through cable. Use a cross-over cable if going directly from the PC’s NIC to the Ethernet (AUI) port on the router using a transceiver.
- Serial: Connect the back to back serial cable to Serial0 on each router. Make sure the DCE side is connected to RouterA.
Step 2: Boot up the routers
Just say “no” to use the setup mode (setup dialogue). The setup mode will only allow you to configure the router with the basic features and not with any advanced features.
If asked if you would like to terminate the auto configuration; say “yes”.
Let the routers finish booting.
Step 3: Host Name and Passwords
Begin your configuration with the hostname and passwords. This is to remind you of what router you are configuring and now's the time to start thinking about router security.
router#config t
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
router(config)#hostname RouterA (sets the router's name)
RouterA(config)#enable secret cisco (Sets the secret password
for the router)
RouterA(config)#line vty 0 4 (there are five concurrent
connections for the telnet ports coming into a Cisco 2500
router. We are setting the login password on all five of them)
RouterA(config-line)#login (This enables the router to require a
login password for a telnet session to the router)
RouterA(config-line)#password cisco (this sets the login
password for all 5 telnet sessions coming into the router as cisco)
RouterA(config)#^Z (This is the key combination of control+z
which takes you back to the privileged executive mode)
router#config t
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
router(config)#hostname RouterB (sets the router's name)
RouterB(config)#enable secret cisco (Sets the secret password for the router)
RouterB(config)#line vty 0 4 (there are five concurrent connections for the telnet ports coming into a Cisco 2500 router. We are setting the login password on all five of them)
RouterB(config-line)#login (This enables the router to require a login password for a telnet session to the router)
RouterB(config-line)#password cisco (this sets the login password for all 5 telnet sessions coming into the router as cisco)
3 RouterB(config)#^Z (This is the key combination of control+z which takes you back to the privileged executive mode)
FYI: Anytime you make a configuration change to a router and you come back to the privileged exec mode you need to save your changes to NVRAM. This ensures that if the router reboots, you won’t loose your changes which are in the running-config which is volatile RAM. The following command(s) saves your changes to the startup-config.
RouterA#copy running-config startup-config
RouterA# copy run start
RouterA#wr me (short for write memory)
Step 4: Adding IP Addresses
Adding IP addresses, is a basic function of configuring routers. Below is an example of configuring both an Ethernet and serial interface. For serial interface with the DCE cable you will need to also add the clocking with the clockrate command. Get the IP addresses from the network diagram.
RouterA#config t
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
RouterA(config)#int e0
RouterA(config-if)#ip address
RouterA(config-if)#description LAN Network for RouterA
RouterA(config-if)#no shutdown
RouterA(config-if)#int s0
RouterA(config-if)#ip address
(RouterA will have the serial 0 with the DCE end of the serial cable. The other partner will have serial1 with the DTE end of the serial cable. Check the network diagram to confirm to see who has what interface)
RouterA(config-if)#clockrate 250000 (DCE interface only which is the s0 on RouterA)
RouterA(config-if)#no shutdown
RouterA(config-if)#description Network connection to RouterB
RouterB#config t
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
RouterB(config)#int e0
RouterB(config-if)#ip address
RouterB(config-if)# description LAN Network for RouterB
RouterB(config-if)# no shutdown
RouterB(config-if)#int s1
RouterB(config-if)#ip address
RouterB(config-if)#no shutdown
RouterB(config-if)#description Network connection to RouterA
Once both routers are configured properly, you should be able to use the ping command and ping the interface e0 on each of the routers from the neighboring router.
If you do a show ip route on both routers and do not see the directly connected interfaces in the routing table, they are either not configured or they never came up.
Confirm that the IP addressing took and the interfaces came up by using the show ip int and looking at the interfaces' status and ip address configuration.
RouterA# show ip route
RouterA# show ip int
Do this on both routers.
Step 5a: Adding Dynamic Routing: RIP
For this router to participate in a dynamic routing using a dynamic routing protocol like RIP or IGRP, you'll need to enable a routing protocol and advertise the directly connected networks that want advertised.. We only advertise the classful network address, not the subnet mask of the network.
RouterA#config t
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
RouterA(config)#router RIP
RouterB#config t
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
RouterB(config)#router RIP
FYI: We need to advertise the network, not any particular host. An example of that would be enabling RIP on RouterB. We want the other router (RouterA) to know that any packet destined for the network can be sent to RouterB which has a directly connected 5 entry in it’s routing table showing what interface to send the packet to; in this case its e0. If you route to, all your every going to route to, is the e0 on RouterB and nothing else.
Test your configuration to ensure that it is configured properly by pinging from router to router. Check your routing table for entries that are preceded by a capital letter “R” to ensure that you are receiving routing updates using RIP. Ensure that your partner has finished configuring his router so that you can receive his updates. No updates, no ping.
Do a show ip protocol to see what routing protocol is configured on the routers.
Step 5b: Adding Dynamic Routing: IGRP
IGRP uses an autonomous system (AS) number or process id. This number must be the same on all routers wanting to share IGRP routing updates or they don’t share. Turn RIP off before you turn on IGRP. For this lab we'll be using an AS number of 100.
RouterA#config t
RouterA(config)#no router rip
RouterA(config)#router igrp 100
RouterA(config-router)#network (again, just the network portion of the IP for your Ethernet network, NO subnet mask)
RouterB#config t
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. RouterB(config)#no router rip
RouterB(config)#router igrp 100
RouterB(config-router)#network (again, your Ethernet network IP NO Subnet Address)
Step 6: Adding Default Routes
Good candidates for default routes are routers which are known as the boundary router. This is a router which is normally part of a stub network. Inside the stub network, the routers may be participating in a dynamic routing using a protocol like RIP, but only a static default route is needed to connect the stub network to the Internet.
RouterA#config t
RouterA(config)#ip route
RouterB#config t
RouterB(config)#ip route
Step 7: Adding Static Routes
A static route can be used for different reasons. One reason may be for a router to connect to another router in a lab. You'll need to turn off all routing protocols before you configure the router for static routing.
RouterA#config t
RouterA(config)#no router igrp 100
RouterA(config)#ip route
What we are saying here is: For RouterA to route to the network, go to the next hop interface which is the serial1 ( attached to RouterB. Since RouterB knows about the directed connected Ethernet network of, it will have route for it in its routing table proceeded by the letter “C”. (See next example)
RouterB#sh ip route
(Output omitted) is subnetted, 1 subnets
C is directly connected, Ethernet0
RouterB#config t
RouterB(config)#no router igrp 100
RouterB(config)#ip route
Step 8: Testing and Monitoring
At this point it is a good idea to start testing your network using various commands. Perform the following on both routers.
RouterA# show ip route
RouterA# show ip interface brief (This command shows the IP and status of all interface)
RouterA# show controller s0 (Shows whether or not the serial cable is DCE or DTE.)
RouterA# ping ip-address
RouterA# trace ip-address
RouterA# debug ip rip (Remember to turn debug off when done, use undebug all, no debug all or un all)
RouterA# terminal monitor (for using debug from a telnet
session, otherwise debug output will go to the console. Caution: This will cause the debug output to go to all telnet sessions on the router.)
Show commands
RouterA# terminal no monitor(To turn off monitoring during a telnet session.)
RouterA# show cdp neighbors
RouterA# show ip protocols
RouterA# #show version
RouterA# #show flash
RouterA# show ip route (shows the routing table)
RouterA# show memory
RouterA# show stacks
RouterA# show buffers
RouterA# show arp
RouterA# show processes
RouterA# show processes cpu
RouterA# show tech-support
Step 9: Finishing up
Once you have your routers up and working you may wish to run some commands to make working on Cisco routers easier and to stop some of the default annoying behavior of Cisco routers.
RouterA(config)# ip host RouterB (This configures a host table entry for the name RouterB. So instead of having to remember the IP of RouterB to ping it, you can now ping it using its name, RouterB. It's the same as using a hosts file on a computer. If you just type in RouterB and hit enter, the router will assume you’re wanting to telnet into RouterB using port 23) RouterA(config)# no ip domain-lookup (When there is no DNS server and you miss spell a single word command, it will try to do a DNS lookup using a broadcast address of To stop this lookup of a non-existent DNS server, we can turn off the DNS lookup capability using this command.)
RouterA(config)# banner motd #!!!!Warning! Authorized Access Only!!!!# (This message will be seen by anyone trying to logon to your router. The # sign is known as a delimiting character and is used to identify the text portion of the MOTD. Notice that the actual message starts and ends with the delimiting character)
RouterA(config)# no service-config (When you reboot a Cisco router, the default behavior is to try and find a configuration file on the network using a number of methods over a broadcast address of To stop this annoying behavior, Use this command.)
RouterA(config)#no logging console (Each time you leave one level of the router and return to the previous level or bring an interface up, you get a read out on the console screen. If you get busy typing and configuring the router this can be distracting and annoying. Use this command to stop the logging of messages to the console screen.)
And don’t forget to…
RouterA# show running-config
RouterA# copy running-config startup-config
RouterA#? (the question mark can be used by itself or follow at the end of any partial command line to get the next part of the command syntax)
To have the router CLI finish typing a command for you, just type out a partial command and hit the TAB key. An example would be typing out copy ru and hitting the TAB key. The router CLI with finish the command as copy running-configuration. Now if you add st to that and hit the tab key again, the CLI will add to your last command startup-configuration, making your entire command copy running-configuration startup-configuration. This works because there is only one command the begins with copy ru.
Editing Commands
Control-A: Moves to the beginning of the command line.
Control-E: Moves to the end of the command line.
Esc-B: Moves back one word.
Control F: Moves forward one character.
Control-B: Move back one character.
Esc F: Moves forward one word.
History Commands
Control P or up arrow key – Recalls last (previous command.)
Control N or down arrow key – Recalls most recent command
Tab key: completes the entry.
RouterA# show history
RouterA# terminal history
RouterA# terminal editing
RouterA# no terminal editing
FYI: This lab was designed to show you how to configure basic routing between two routers. If you would like to ping from one PC on one network (RouterA) to another PC on the other network (RouterB), you would need to configure the PC on each network with a host IP that belonged to the Ethernet network IP of each router. An example of that would be that the first available IP for a PC on the Ethernet network of RouterB would be We know that the “.1” is already in use for the e0 interface on RouterB. The subnet mask for the PC would have to be the same as the rest of the network; and the default gateway for the PC would be the e0 that connects the LAN to RouterB.
So if a PC needs to find something that is not local or located on its LAN, the DFGW will take the request to the router by way of the Ethernet Interface that connects the LAN to the Router. An example of that would be, if you ping a PC located on the Ethernet network of RouterB from RouterA’s LAN, the return echo from the PC has to know how to get back to the network on RouterA from which it came. Since the Ethernet network path on RouterA is known to RouterB through a routing table entry, the DFGW on the PC will take the unknown request for the return trip of the packet from the PC and send it to RouterB which will know what to do with it. No default Gateway in the TCP/IP properties of the PC and the packet will just time out and the ping attempt will be unsuccessful. Chances are the ping did reach the PC but the return echo did not know how to find a way back.
End of Lab
Basic Router Configuration Lab NoAnswers
In this lab you will configure a simple network to allow two routers to route packets between to remote networks.
- Two Cisco routers with one Ethernet port and one serial port.
- Cisco IOS 10.0 or higher
- One PC for consoling into routers with terminal emulation software
- One serial cable
- One Cisco rollover cable
Step 1: Physical Connections
Configure a console session to your router(s) from your PC.
Step 2: Boot up the routers
Do not use the setup mode (setup dialogue) or auto configuration to configure the router. Let the routers finish booting.
Step 3: Host Name and Passwords
Begin your configuration with the hostnames and passwords for both routers.
Configure RouterA and RouterB with their correct hostnames. Configure all telnet sessions on both routers with the password of cisco Exit back to the privileged mode and save your current configuration
Step 4: Adding IP Addresses
Configure the interfaces on both routers with the IPs as per the network diagram. Set a description on all interface. Set the clockrate on the DCE end of the serial cable with a clockrate of 250000. Ensure the interfaces come up.
Step 5a: Adding Dynamic Routing: RIP
Configure both routers for dynamic routing using the routing protocol RIP. Advertise the appropriate networks on both routers.
Check both routers to see if they are receiving RIP routing updates from each other. Ensure connectivity between the routers by using the ping command. Remove RIP before starting step 5b.
Step 5b: Adding Dynamic Routing:
IGRP Configure both routers to use the routing protocol IGRP. Configure both routers to use the same AS number. Advertise the appropriate networks on both routers.
Check both routers to see if they are receiving IGRP routing updates from each other. Check to see what routing protocol the routers are using. Ensure connectivity between the routers by using the ping command. Remove IGRP before starting step 6.
Step 6: Adding Default Routes
Configure both routers with a default route to each other. Use the neighboring router as a smart gateway of last resort.
Check to ensure that the routers have a default route.
Ensure connectivity between the routers by using the ping command and pinging the interface e0 on each router.
Step 7: Adding Static Routes
Configure both routers with static routes to each routers remote network. Tell the routers how to find the path to each others Ethernet network.
Check to ensure that the routers have a static route.
Ensure connectivity between the routers by using the ping command and pinging the interface e0 on each router.
Step 8: Optimize the router performance.
Create a host table entry on each router to be able to ping the name of the router in lieu of the IP address.
Configure both routers to turn off ip domain-lookup so they do not try and use a DNS server.
Configure a MOTD on each router that warns of authorized access only.
Configure both router not to look for a network configuration when they startup.
Disable logging to the console screen on both routers.
Step 9:
Configure your PC(s) for connectivity on the network.
Ping from the PC connected on RouterA's Ethernet 0 network to the PC on the Ethernet 0 of RouterB. If you only have one PC, ping the interface Ethernet 0 on the either router.
End of Lab
I hope you found this article to be of use and it helps you prepare for your Cisco CCNA certification. I am sure you will quickly find out that hands-on real world experience is the best way to cement the CCNA concepts in your head to help you pass your CCNA exam!