In preparation of your CCNA exam, we want to make sure we cover the various concepts that we could see on your Cisco CCNA exam. So to assist you, below we will discuss the following CCNA concept; how to enable the Interior Gateway Routing Protocol. As you progress through your CCNA exam studies, I am sure with repetition you will find this topic becomes easier. So even though it may be a difficult concept and confusing at first, keep at it as no one said getting your Cisco certification would be easy!
Enabling Interior Gateway Routing Protocol | ||||||||
Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (IGRP) is a distance vector routing protocol with sophisticated metrics and improved scalability, allowing better routing in larger-sized networks. IGRP uses delay and bandwidth as routing metrics (reliability and load are optional). IGRP has a default maximum hop count of 100 hops. (RIP’s maximum is 15 hops.) This can be reconfigured to 255 hops. IGRP can load-balance across six nonequal paths, increasing the available bandwidth and providing route redundancy. | ||||||||
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IGRP Metrics | ||||||||
IGRP achieves greater route selection accuracy than RIP with the use of a composite metric. The path that has the smallest metric value is the best route. IGRP’s metric includes the following components: bandwidth delay, reliability (based on keepalives), loading (bits per second), and maximum transmission unit (MTU). You can significantly affect performance by adjusting IGRP metric values. | ||||||||
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Paths of Different Metrics | ||||||||
IGRP allows load balancing over unequal paths. If two unequal paths are used and one path is four times better than the other, the better path will be used four times as often. The variance command specifies the metric range allowed for load balancing across multiple paths. Here’s the procedure for configuring IGRP: RouterA>enable RouterA#config term RouterA(config)#router igrp 100 RouterA(config-router)#network RouterA(config-router)#variance 1 RouterA(config-router)#traffic share balanced RouterA(config-router)#exit RouterA(config)#exit RouterA#show ip protocols |
The syntax for the router IGRP command includes the AS number. All routers within an autonomous system must use the same system number. | ||||||||
Enabling IGRP Summary | ||||||||
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