As a way of helping you to achieve your Cisco certification, CertificationKits is pleased to offer to you completely free our own Subnet Calculator that you can use to help you prepare for your Cisco CCNA certification exam! In case you do not know, you will be hit very hard on the CCNA exam with questions on subnetting from how to convert decimal to binary, subnet classes, subnet ranges, VLSM, number of subnets and number of hosts. Use our subnet calculator to assist you in your studies by verifying the answers you are coming up with are indeed correct for the CCNA exam! There are a few ways the number of valid hosts can be figured out and then there is the Cisco way! Make sure you are using the Cisco method to determine all your answers. So make good use of either our web-based Subnet Calculator or feel free to download our free Windows based version of the Subnet Calculator.
The CertificationKits Subnet Calculator is just one of the many tools and utilities we provide to you for free to assist you in your Cisco certification studies. Try it free and discover why thousands of Cisco certified network engineers worldwide rely on CertificationKits and our free study tools to help them achieve their certification goals!